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Disclaimer: results vary by person; speak with your doctor for additional information and advice.

In a recent Gallup Poll, 55% of U.S. adults said they wanted to lose weight. So Herbert Quintanilla is in good company. However, it’s not easy, and sometimes we need a little help. For Herbert, semaglutide has been part of his support.

Below, he shares part of his story about using sublingual semaglutide for weight management and his struggle with weight control for a long time. He also describes the positive impact this medication has had on his health and well-being.

Before & After
Can you briefly describe your weight and weight loss struggles before starting sublingual semiglutide and how it compares to now?

Herbert:  Above 300 pounds and it has been hard to control my appetite. Now, I have lost 20 pounds in about two months, and that is to say a lot in my case.

Treatment Experience
How did you learn about sublingual semiglutide, and what has your experience with the dosage and side effects been like?

Herbert: I learned about it through ADKOA pharmacy. At the beginning, I did feel it would work for me because when I started with the first dosage, I felt or saw no difference. I have not experienced any side effects so far, other than the reduced amount of food I am consuming now.

Appetite & Habits
How has sublingual semiglutide impacted your appetite and eating habits? Did you make any dietary or exercise changes alongside treatment?

Herbert: No dietary changes, if I mean to be honest. Just a lot less food because I feel satisfied with less. However, I must say that I worry when it is time for lunch or dinner, and I do not feel the need for food.

Results & Benefits
How much weight have you lost, and how quickly did you see results? What’s been the most significant benefit for you?

Herbert: I have lost about 20 pounds in two months or so. The most significant benefit is that my clothes feel a bit more comfortable, and I realize that the product works for me.

Looking Forward
Are you confident in maintaining your weight loss? What advice would you give to someone considering sublingual semiglutide?

Herbert: I hope I can afford the sublingual semiglutide for as long as I need it because it is an easy, comfortable way to lose weight and fat. I recommend sublingual semiglutide to anybody trying to find a solution to lose weight for healthy reasons. Ultimately, it is like any other way to lose weight, either through the gym or a diet but without the mental or physical fight that usually makes us lose the battle. The product worked for me.

Additional Information
If you are interested in achieving results like Herbert and exploring sublingual semiglutide, read a recent blog post that examines it and other options. Full post: